Superform is a Universal Yield Marketplace. Deposit to any vault with any token and start generating a Yield.
Interacting with the App you will indirectly generate transaction on Hyperlane thanks to the AMBImplementation
To Get Started :
👉 Connect your Wallet from the top right Button
👉 Select the Vault to Open
👉 Select the Asset to Deposit
👉 Simulate the Deposit by clicking on the Button "Simulate"
👉 An Approval could be executed if it's first time you use this protocol
👉 If simulation Successful, Execute the Deposit Transaction on your Wallet.
👨🚀 Note : Anyone can create a Vault, make sure the one you select is :
✅ Authentificated : Manage Columns Button + Select Protocol Status
Sometimes, it can take longer than expected on Deposit Features, please check this Documentation for more details :
🔗 Open
✅ ERC-4626 compliant and compatible with SuperForm