Install Polkadot.js Wallet to Interact with Polkadot and Kusama Ecosystem

Image for Install  Polkadot.js Wallet to Interact with Polkadot and Kusama Ecosystem

To immerse yourself in the vibrant ecosystems of Polkadot or Kusama, a wallet installation is imperative! This tutorial will guide you through the installation of the most widely used wallet in these ecosystems. The Polkadot.{js} extension acts as a pivotal gateway, facilitating your navigation and interaction with the diverse protocols.
Importantly, this wallet operates as a non-custodial solution, meaning you retain complete ownership and control over your funds 🔓

Install Browser Extension : Polkadot{.js}

Visit the Polkadot Official Website and click on Extension Section 🔗 Open
On the bottom part of this page, you can choose between Chrome or FireFox Extension.
In our case, we will install the Chrome Version.
Check it Out

Create A New Wallet

Once Installed, launch the Extension from the top right menu and click on + in the middle of the screen

Write your Seed Phrase

A Phrase Seed will be generated. Keep it safe.

Phrase Seed Generation: Upon wallet creation, you will be presented with a unique and randomly generated Phrase Seed or Recovery Seed This seed is a series of words (usually 12 to 24 words) that serve as a cryptographic backup for your wallet.

Write Down the Seed: Carefully write down the entire Phrase Seed on a physical piece of paper. Do not type it on your computer or save it digitally, as this increases the risk of exposure to potential online threats. Use a pen and paper, and ensure your surroundings are private.

Secure Storage: Store the written Phrase Seed in a secure and discreet location. Consider options such as a locked safe, a safety deposit box, or a hidden spot in your home. The objective is to keep it safe from theft, damage, or unauthorized access.

Avoid Sharing Never share your Phrase Seed online, through messages, or with anyone you don't completely trust. Your Phrase Seed is the ultimate key to accessing your funds; sharing it compromises the security of your wallet.

Multiple Copies: For added security, consider creating multiple copies of the Phrase Seed and storing them in different secure locations. This guards against the risk of losing access to your wallet due to a single physical mishap.

Offline Use: Only enter your Phrase Seed in an offline environment when prompted by the wallet recovery process. Never type it into a digital device that's connected to the internet, as this could expose it to potential hackers.

Practice Caution: Be cautious of unsolicited messages or attempts to extract your Phrase Seed from you. Scammers may try to trick you into revealing it. Always verify the authenticity of requests before sharing any sensitive information.

Test Recovery: To ensure your Phrase Seed is accurately stored, practice wallet recovery using a small amount of cryptocurrency before depositing significant funds.

Regular Check: Periodically check the condition of your stored Phrase Seed. Make sure it is readable and hasn't suffered any damage.

Remember, the safety of your funds heavily relies on the security of your Phrase Seed. Treat it as your most valuable possession, and guard it with the utmost care.

Password and Wallet Name

Enter a New Name of your Wallet and a New password

Uninstall Browser Extension: Later on, If you've lost your password and can't access your wallet, the first step is to uninstall the browser extension wallet from your browser. This ensures that your wallet data is no longer accessible from that browser.

Reinstall Browser Extension: After uninstalling, you'll need to reinstall the browser extension wallet. Go to the official website of the wallet provider and download the extension again. Make sure you are downloading from the correct source to avoid potential phishing attacks.

Restore Using Seed Phrase: During the wallet setup process, you'll have an option to "restore" or "recover" your wallet. Choose this option and enter the seed phrase you wrote down when you initially created the wallet. The wallet will use this seed phrase to derive your private keys and access your funds.

Follow Prompts: The wallet will guide you through the process of restoring your wallet using the seed phrase. Follow the prompts and enter the seed phrase carefully. Make sure you are in a secure and private location while doing this to avoid potential exposure.

Set New Password: Once you've successfully restored your wallet, you will likely be prompted to set a new password. Choose a strong and secure password that you can remember, but that is also difficult for others to guess.

Explorer and Hub

To check your balance in all the different Blockchain you visit the official Polkadot Hub 🔗 Open
Check it Out

To keep track of your Activity and funds in Polkadot and Kusama Ecosystem, you can also use Platform 🔗 Open .
One of you address of any blockchain in the Ecosystem will display all the other addresses.
In Polkadot{.js} Wallet, You have the ability to switch networks just like in Metamask. The key distinction lies in the fact that each network is associated with a unique wallet address. Prior to sending any funds to your wallet, it's essential to ensure that you've accurately copied the appropriate address from the specific network you intend to use.

If you want to transfer KSM token on your wallet, make sure you copy the Kusama Address by selecting the correct Network.

Ready to go

👉 Now that you are fully equipped, venturing into the Polkadot or Kusama Ecosystem is seamless. Upon visiting any application within these ecosystems, the next step is to establish a connection through your Polkadot{.js} extension.
Try it now 👍 Substrate Explorer

Image for Substrate Explorer

All your Substrate addresses and balances in one place.


Image Author Artontray from Train to Crypto Team


Crypto Enthusiast and Skilled Developer, diving into the world of article writing to enhance understanding and share insights. Ready to decode the complexities of crypto through a unique lens.

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